Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

National Social Protection Policy of Ethiopia developed and adopted by cabinet (Nov/Dec 2014).

Outcome achieved

National Social Protection Policy of Ethiopia developed and adopted by cabinet (Nov/Dec 2014). It aims to expand social protection coverage for the elderly over the age of 70 by introducing a non-contributory universal social pension. The NSPP also spells out other ambitions, including the introduction and expansion of social insurance coverage, access to basic health, education and other welfare services, as well as child protection and ensuring employment opportunities for those in working age

ILO's contribution to the outcome

(a) ILO provided technical and advisory support for the development of the National Social Protection Policy. The policy development is coordinated by the National Social Protection Platform (NSPP). The ILO is an active member of the National Social Protection Platform chaired by Ministry of labour and Social Affairs. As a member of the platform the ILO participated in the drafting of the policy and facilitated a workshop when the policy was presented to stakeholders. In addition, the office provided training on Social Protection costing and modelling to 44 federal and regional government officials in collaboration with ITC Turin (August 2014). (b) Provided financial support for the translation of the policy from Amharic to English. RBSA funding has contributed to supporting this work and to the achievement of the reported results

٢٠١٥ ETH154 Family benefits , Old-age , ILO standards , Legislation , Children