Result achieved

A social protection scheme to extend coverage, enhance comprehensiveness and/or increase adequacy of benefits has been adopted or reformed (Step 2)

Number of countries that have adopted or reformed social protection schemes to extend coverage, enhance comprehensiveness and/or increase adequacy of benefits (Step 2)

Linked projects

Outcome summary

The Mazdoor Ka EHSAAS programme to promote social protection for informal economy workers was launched

Outcome achieved

The Government of Pakistan adopted the Mazdoor Ka EHSAAS (MKE) programme in March 2021. It was formally launched on 1 May 2021 and notified to the MKE Implementation Unit in September 2021. The 'Mazdoor Ka EHSAAS (compassion for Labour)' programme, which was jointly developed by tripartite stakeholders, englobes eleven (11) priority actions to promote social protection for informal economy workers and their formalization. A tripartite Labour Welfare and Social Protection Expert Group (LEG) was established to develop the Mazdoor Ka EHSAAS (MKE). The MKE programme will mainly support 27.3 million Informal Economy workers in the non-agricultural sector and 23.8 million workers in the Agriculture sector.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

The ILO facilitated a number of online and face-to-face meetings with participation of Government, Employers and Workers in the Labour Expert Group to develop the Mazdoor-ka-Ehsaas (MKE) programme. ILO also facilitated discussions in the meetings, providing necessary statistics and data, and collaborated with the EHSAAS Delivery Unit within the Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Poverty Alleviation & Social Safety Division, to launch the MKE.


Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan; Sindh Employees Social Security Institution, Provincial Social Security Institution, Employees Old-age Benefits institutions, Workers’ Welfare Fund, Employers Federation of Pakistan; Pakistan Workers Federation;


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • 1.3 Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable
  • 8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on highvalue added and labour-intensive sectors
  • 8.7 Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms


  • Number of persons potentially covered by the strategy
    Total: ٥١٬١٠٠٬٠٠٠
٢٠٢١ PAK226 8.3.1 Health care , Social assistance , Children , Informal economy workers , Rural workers , Self-employed , Disability , Maternity , Employment injury , Old-age , Sickness , Survivors , Unemployment