Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

The formal guidlines for the disability assessments under the Workers' Compensation Act have been reviewed.

Outcome achieved

The formal Guidelines for the Disability Assessments, as protected according to the Workers’ Compensation Act, have been reviewed by the Workers’ Compensation Fund Board in late 2018 and national capacities of medical doctors in occupational diagnosis were strengthened.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

A formal actuarial valuation report has been delivered in late 2018-2019 to the authorities of Tanzania with respect to the Workers’ Compensation Fund providing the basis to take remedial measures to strengthen the minimum benefits and commutation of EII pensions. Policymakers addressed the measures required to strengthen the effective rolling out of the Workers’ Compensation Fund on 4 occasions with the facilitation and technical guidance of the ILO Global programme on Employment Injury Insurance and Protection. In 2019, the ILO validated the technical peer review of the formal “Occupational Medical guidelines” under the responsibility of WCF Tanzania. The work of the ILO has contributed to form the basis for lawmakers to make decisions on the level of the minimum pension, the commutation of long-term pensions and the governance administration fees of the WCF. The ILO-GEIIP received a ministerial award of recognition in 2018 for its continuous policy support that led to the effective establishment of the national WCF. The ILO has trained more than 320 doctors in the diagnosis of occupational accidents and diseases, with a view to strengthen the effectiveness of the coverage and benefits delivered by the Workers’ Compensation Fund. The ILO-EII actuarial model was developed by ILO Global Programme on Employment Injury Insurance and Protection and served as a basis for the strengthening of Tanzania WCF statistical and policy staff. The WCF is contributing to south-south technical exchanges with Ethiopia and others thru the ILO-GEIP and ILO-ITC/OSH programme.

Gender equality & non-discrimination

Due attention was given to ensuring that the principle of gender equality in the domain of social protection for the population was taken into account under the actuarial valuation conducted. The projections were based on age- and sex-disaggregated data, which allowed to comment on the sex-profiles of contributors and beneficiaries, where relevant.
2018 TZA903 invalidité , évaluation actuarielle , model , projections