Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

(2) 15 Social Service Delivery Mechanism (SSDM) were established and are operational in 2 targeted districts and 13 commune offices by July 2015 based on a pilot model.

Outcome achieved

(2) 15 Social Service Delivery Mechanism (SSDM) were established and are operational in 2 targeted districts and 13 commune offices by July 2015 based on a pilot model. The collection of information on potential beneficiaries and services available at local level are currently taking place. The operational tools initially developed such as the Social protection Form and the district database are currently being tested and additional elements are in the design process, including communication tools.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

(2) The ILO supported the government in the development of the Social Service Delivery Mechanism (SSDM) concept starting with a feasibility study, in the design of its implementation modalities in the local level, including the definition of manual of operations and procedures. In addition ILO provided training at different administrative levels, developed the databases and data collection tools and supported financially the District Administrations with the establishment of the services. The ILO provided assistance at local level in setting up the SSDM offices and coaching newly hired SSDM assistants and local administrations on the delivery of social services. Through a National Program Officer the ILO has provided assistance at local level in setting up the SSDM offices and coaching the recently hired SSDM assistants and local administrations on the delivery of social services. (2) Financially and technically support to the pilot SSDM included feasibility study, the design of operational tools, installation of 15 offices and ensured their daily operation, capacity building to relevant officers and developing a database for storing information collected and monitoring of the programmes. (2) Financially and technically support to the pilot SSDM included feasibility study, the design of operational tools, installation of 15 offices and ensured their daily operation, capacity building to relevant officers and developing a database for storing information collected and monitoring of the programmes. Support to the process of dialogue between the MoE and Finance and the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training concerning the financial implications of the introduction of the NHI within the parameters agreed with the Social Partners, was a crucial contribution which facilitated the reaching of agreement on the NHI. The ILO provided support the update of the actuarial study by reviewing the contribution rate f RBSA funding has contributed to supporting this work and to the achievement of the reported results.
2015 RAS154 servicios de empleo , prestaciones familiares , atención de salud , seguridad del ingreso , política de empleo , protección social de la salud , diálogo social , niños , trabajadores de la economía informal , trabajadores rurales , trabajadores por cuenta propia , invalidez , maternidad , accidentes del trabajo y enfermedades profesionales , vejez , enfermedad , sobrevivientes , desempleo