Result achieved

Linked projects

Outcome summary

An actuarial valuation and a technical report on the new draft social security law have been endorsed by the Government of Iraq in November 2017 and December 2017, respectively.

Outcome achieved

An actuarial valuation and a technical report on the new draft social security law have been endorsed by the Government of Iraq in November 2017 and December 2017, respectively. These reports enabled informed policy-making and contributed to a comprehensive reform of the public and private sector social security systems carried out by the Government. The reform, which extends gender-responsive social security coverage to more people and improves benefit adequacy, was based on tripartite national dialogue.

ILO's contribution to the outcome

The ILO, with RBSA funds [IRQ/16/01/RBS], provided technical assistance and advice to the Government of Iraq and the social partners for the social security reform, including: (a) An actuarial valuation of the social security systems for public and private sector workers, undertaken during the second half of 2017, aiming at the extension of social security coverage and benefits while ensuring the financial sustainability of the scheme; (b) Comprehensive policy recommendations for the reform of the social security system based on a policy matrix and actuarial valuation; (c) A Technical Report developed during the second half of 2017 containing a legal assessment of the new draft social security law and its compliance with international labour standards, basic social security principles and worldwide best practices, which was also endorsed by tripartite constituents; (d) During 2017, the ILO also carried out two capacity building workshops for selected staff of the Government and the Social Security Institution to train them and develop their capacities with respect to ILO's actuarial techniques and data collection for actuarial valuations; and (e) The ILO carried out a high-level national dialogue and capacity building workshop on 6-9 December 2017 for selected staff of the Government and the Social Security Institution, the social partners, NGOs, and civil society representatives. The workshop discussed the draft social insurance law, social security legal drafting, as well as the ILO’s Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202) and Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102).
٢٠١٧ IRQ180 Actuarial valuation , Model , ILO standards , Legislation , Projections , Social dialogue