Promoting and building social protection in Asia (3rd phase): Extending social security coverage in ASEAN
Results achieved
The Government issued a regulation on the Implementation of (un)Employment Insurance
٢٠٢١ IDN103
The Government adopted the Law on job creation which includes provisions on an (un)employment insurance
- Number of persons entitled to social protection by law
COVID-19 response programmes have been launched
- Number of persons effectively covered(related SDG indicator 1.3.1)
Awareness raising campaigns targeted informal workers and non-wage earners
٢٠١٩ IDN103
Policy options for the revision of the Health Insurance Law were formulated
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The Social Assistance Department (SAD) of MOLISA finalized the Action Plan for implementation of the Master Plan of Social Assistance Reform
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The Communist Party of Viet Nam promulgated Resolution 28-NQ/TW to guide future social insurance reform under a Master Plan on Social Insurance Reform
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Consultations with social partners on employment insurance were organised
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BJPS Employment piloted social security agents and a mobile registration system.
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Ministerial Decree No.123/2018 on Social Security for Migrant Workers implemented the law on the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers
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The Communist Party of Viet Nam promulgated Resolution 28-NQ/TW to guide future social insurance reform under a Master Plan on Social Insurance Reform
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The Prime Minister enacted Decree 143/ND-CP dated 15/10/2018 extending social protection benefits to migrant workers.
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