Supporting the Implementation of Sustainable Social Protection Floors for the Workers and their Families in ASEAN - Phase II
Results achieved
The Pension Scheme of the National Social Security Fund as been approved
- Number of persons entitled to social protection by law
A child grant has been introduced
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An emergency COVID-19 cash transfer programme was launched
- Number of persons effectively covered(related SDG indicator 1.3.1)
A Monitoring and Evaluation Manual for social protection has been developed
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The law on social security was adopted
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NSSF implemented an awareness and communication campaign
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A modernization plan of the National Social Security Fund has been developed
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The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) tripartite board endorsed the ILO recommendations on the operational review of the NSSF
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The Social Security Board improved its administration including through the development of an management information system
- Number of persons with a better access to social protection (single registry, online application, one stop srvice)