Actuarial valuations of 11 pension funds with reform and merger options as at 31 Dec 2020.
Results achieved
The Sultan of Oman issued on 19 July 2023 Royal Decree No. 52/2023 promulgating the Social Protection Law, which radically reshapes the social protection system and introduces new universal benefits for a range of lifecycle risks, including for all chil...
٢٠٢٣ OMN154
The government of Oman in July 2023 established a unified social protection agency Social Protection Fund to increase efficiency and coherence in the administration of all contributory and non-contributory social protection benefits. The Social Protecti...
٢٠٢٣ OMN154
In 2023, the government of Oman adopted regulations for the establishment of a new national provident fund responsible for administering end-of-service benefits to migrant workers payable upon retirement, disability, death, or returning to their home co...
٢٠٢٣ OMN154