L’OIT renforce les capacités de 12 États membres des pays africains francophones en suivi de l’ODD 1.3 et d’autres indicateurs de protection sociale
Between 17 April and 02 May, the ILO carried out a course on monitoring progress towards the SDG 1.3 and other social protection indicators using the ILO Social Security Inquiry. A total of 25 participants from Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Togo and Tunisia benefited from this capacity building activity.
The course, which held its face-to-face module in Abidjan from 30 May to 02 June, enabled key stakeholders from the ministries in charge of social protection, national social security institutions and national statistical offices in these countries to strengthen their knowledge of methods and definitions of social protection statistics; to improve their capacity to monitor and evaluate social protection data using the ILO Social Security Inquiry (SSI) and to gain a better understanding of the SDG indicators on social protection and the methodology used to calculate SDG target 1.3.1.
Putting this knowledge into practice, participants aim to support their countries and institutions to produce up-to-date, reliable, accurate and comparable data. This social protection data is essential for formulating, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and assessing the impact of social protection policies and programmes at national and global levels. Inspired by the example of Cape Verde, participants had the opportunity to share their thoughts on the need to institutionalise the production of statistical data. Thus, this would ensure the availability of statistical data to inform national social protection policies and social actions.
For decades, the ILO has been supporting its Member States throughout the process of compiling and monitoring data of their national social protection systems. The implementation of this training course was done in collaboration with the ITC-ILO, and has been made possible by the ILO's Global Flagship Programme for Building Social Protection Floors for All through the Multi-donor Programme, funded by Belgium and Luxembourg, and the Project “Support for labour administration, social dialogue and strengthening of social protection in Tunisia”, funded by Norway.