
Provincial tripartite consultation on old-age income security in West Java, Indonesia

Outcome document

The joint statement of provincial tripartite consultation in West Java, adopted on 14 June 2023 (English translation)

The joint statement of provincial tripartite consultation in West Java, adopted on 14 June 2023 (Bahasa Indonesia)

Other materials

Programme (English)

Programme (Bahasa Indonesia)



1. Background

Indonesian policymakers have been debating options for the establishment of a comprehensive old age income security system that promotes certainty, adequacy, coverage, and sustainability. Subjects of ongoing discussions include integration of JHT and severance pay into JP, obligation of civil servants, the police, and armed forces to participate in JP in addition to ASABRI and TASPEN, and establishment of a universal pension scheme.

The social protection programme of the ILO Country Office for Indonesia and Timor Leste has been supporting the government in this endeavor by providing inputs through studies and meetings. To facilitate discussions with the government institutions and social partners at district, provincial, and national levels, the social protection programme, in collaboration with Ministry of National Development and Planning, and Ministry of Manpower is organizing series of tripartite consultations.

2. Objective

The consultations aim to:

  • Share elderly’s challenges in securing income in their old-age
  • Share policy direction for old-age income security system reform
  • Present applicable international standards and practices
  • Present different reform options for old-age income security reform
  • Facilitate dialogues among the tripartite constituents and experts on reform options to meet the objective of promoting certainty, adequacy, coverage, and sustainability of old age income security system
  • Facilitate the issuance of a joint statement on old-age income security reform options

3. Date and Venue

Bandung, June 12-14 (Geographic coverage of participants: West Java, Banten)

4. Expected Participants

This meeting is by invitation only. A maximum of 30 representatives of Manpower Offices, employers and trade union representatives of enterprises from selected districts, and academicians are expected to participate. Officials of Ministry of Manpower, and ILO Jakarta will participate as presenter and moderators. The consultation will be facilitated by ILO consultants.

5. Agenda






Participants registration and hotel check-in


Opening remarks

  • Mr. Ippei Tsuruga, Social Protection Programme Manager, ILO Jakarta (5’)
  • Ms. Nindya Putri Sutedjo, Sub-Coord. Social Protection Programme, Benefit, and Contribution Development, MOM (5’)
  • Mr. Rachmat Taufik Garsadi, Head of Provincial Manpower Office (Official Opening; 5’)


The challenges of elderly’s income security

Ms. Elda Luciana Pardede, Lecturer, University of Indonesia


Policy direction of old-age income security system in Indonesia

Ms. Nindya Putri Sutedjo, Sub-Coord. Social Protection Programme, Benefit, and Contribution Development, MOM


Discussion with the participants

  • Expert’s perspective: Prof. Arief Anshory, Senior Lecturer, University of Padjadjaran (10’)
  • Workers’ perspectives (5’)
  • Employers’ perspectives (5’)
  • Government’s perspective (5’)

Moderator: Ms. Ester Silalahi, MOM

Day 2



International standards and practices on old-age income security

Mr. Ippei Tsuruga, Social protection programme manager, ILO Jakarta


Old-age income security system in Indonesia: challgens and options

Mr. Ippei Tsuruga, Social Protection Programme Manager, ILO Jakarta


Discussion with the participants

  • Workers’ perspectives (5’)
  • Employers’ perspectives (5’)
  • Government’s perspective (5’)

Moderator: Mr. Christianus Panjaitan, National Project Officer, ILO Jakarta


Coffee break


Group Work

Participants to be grouped into 5 groups of six, with two representatives each from trade unions, employers’ organization, and government. A workers’ profile in each province will be created as the case for question 4. Each group to work on answering the following questions:

  1. What is the problem of old-age income security now and in the future, for you and your children.
  2. Does the existing old-age income security system would provide income security that promote certainty, adequacy, and equity to all in a sustainable manner?
  3. Please provide the rationale for the group answer of yes or no. If the group answer is yes, stop here. If the group answer is no, continue to the next question.
  4. Your group agreed that the current system need improvement. Please discuss the reform options, taking into considerations the following parameters:
  1. The system model: existence and co-existence of define benefit (second tier/JP), define contribution (third tier/JHT), and basic scheme (first tier).
  2. Coverage: residence, wage-workers, non-wage workers, etc.
  3. Benefit level and duration for each scheme in the system
  4. Financing modalities


Lunch break


Group Discussion

  • Group presentation (Max 10’ for each group)
  • Panel discussion

Moderator: Mr. Christianus Panjaitan, National Project Officer, ILO Jakarta


Assessment and options for reform of the old-age income security system

Ippei Tsuruga, Social Protection Programme Manager, ILO Jakarta


Discussion with the participants

Moderator: Ms. Nindya Putri Sutedjo, Sub-Coord. Social Protection Programme, Benefit, and Contribution Development, MOM


Coffee break


Sub-Committee Meeting

Each group to appoint 1 representative of trade unions, employers’ organizations, and government to form two sub-committees of seven and eight. Each sub-committee to work on the reform options, taking into considerations the following parameters:

  1. The system model: existence and co-existence of define benefit (JP), define contribution (JHT), and basic scheme.
  2. Coverage; residence, wage-workers, non-wage workers, etc.
  3. Qualifying conditions for each scheme
  4. Benefit level and duration for each scheme in the system




Sub-Committee Report

  • Sub-Committee presentation (Max 15’ for each sub-committee)
  • Discussion with participants

Moderator: Mr. Christianus Panjaitan, National Project Officer, ILO Jakarta


Committee Meeting

Each sub-committee to appoint 1 representative of trade unions, employers’ organization, and government to form a committee of six. The committee will work on a joint statement incorporating the reform options, taking into considerations the following parameters:

  1. The system model: existence and co-existence of define benefit (JP), define contribution (JHT), and basic scheme.
  2. Coverage; residence, wage-workers, non-wage workers, etc.
  3. Qualifying conditions for each scheme
  4. Benefit level and duration for each scheme in the system


Committee Report

  • Committee presentation (15’)
  • Discussion with participants

Moderator: Mr. Christianus Panjaitan, National Project Officer, ILO Jakarta


Coffee break & hotel check-out


Presentation and signing of joint statement



Closing Remarks

  • ILO (5’)
  • MOM (5’)
  • Provincial Manpower Office (5’)


Lunch Break & hotel check-out


End of Programme

Eventos 12.06.2023 - 14.06.2023 Indonesia seguridad del ingreso , pensiones , financiación , normas de la OIT , estrategias nacionales , reforma , prestaciones universales , política de protección social , trabajadores de la economía informal , trabajadores por cuenta propia , invalidez , vejez , sobrevivientes , prestaciones