
Inter-Ministerial Course on Social Protection in Myanmar

ILO Yangon

The Inter-ministerial course on social protection was held from 15-20 December 2014 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. The course was organized by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement and received financial and technical support from HelpAge International. The course was attended by 30 senior staff from 7 ministries. The course provided participants with an overview of social protection, international examples, delivery mechanisms, beneficiary selection and social protection at the regional/state level. The ILO facilitated two training sessions on the social protection floor and on social protection costing and financing, where the results of the social protection assessment based national dialogue (ABND) in Myanmar were highlighted.


Course Agenda

More on social protection in Myanmar


Training 15.01.2015 - 20.01.2015 Myanmar Awareness raising / advocacy , Capacity building , Governance , Social assistance , Legislation , National strategies , Social protection floor , Social services , Social transfers , Universal benefits , Social protection policy , Benefits , Cash / in-kind benefits , Conditional cash transfers Archived