Social Protection Floor Advocacy Tools (Cool Tools)

Social Protection Floor Cool Tools workspace

Welcome to our Social Protection Floor Cool Tools workspace. Here, you will find on this page our cool tools which you can use to raise awareness on social protection issues. Feel free to adapt it to your own context!

If you wish to share your own tools, please send us an email and we will make it available online! 


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SPF Cool Tools

Jeopardy: special edition 2011 on the Social Protection Floor 

Using the display of the TV game Jeopardy, this presentation can be customized and used during workshops as "starters" to refresh memories on the Social Protection Floor concept and introduce the matrix which is used when assessing social protection schemes against the SPF benchmark (four guarantees). 



Building the Social Protection House

Building the Social Protection House is an activity which can be held during a workshop / training on Social Protection issues. Based on analysis of the process of the activity (the use of supply available, team's work, explanation on the marketing strategy, etc.), links can be made to the design and implementation of social protection strategies, including the importance of a universal floor, the pilars of the strategy, ownership, delivery issues (from design to implementation), etc.



World Cafe: The Assessment of Social Protection Floor in Thailand

This activities use the presentation of 4 café where each group takes turn visiting to complete the assessment matrix with the description of existing schemes and programs, strategy of the government, identification of policy gaps and implementation issues, and recommendations in regards to the extension of coverage unprotected groups.




I agree, do you? : Special elaboration of autonomous recommendation 202

Trying to elaborate the recommendation 202, this activities ask the audiences with a set of questionaires whether they agree with the recommendation or not, regarding basic social security guarantees, legal basis, social security extension strategy, financing, scope of reommendation, and monitoring and evaluation



Who wants to be a protectionaire? 

Based on TV game show, “Who wants to be a protectionaire?” is a game where a candidate answers a set of questions. Who can answer correctly until the last question gets to be a protectionaire. The candidate can use 3 help options which are: "Fifty-Fifty (50:50)" where you can ask to eliminate two of the incorrect answer choices, "Ask the Audience" where you can ask the audience which answer they believe is correct, or "Phone-A-Friend" whereou can «call» one of your team member.



Jeu de l'oie

How to improve linkages between social protection, employment, and policy options? The content of this game are the design and implementation of integrated social protection and employment strategies by:

  1. Increasing coordination between institutions at national and sub national levels
  2. Identifying policy priorities and designing benefit packages in the field of social protection and employment
  3. Enhancing development linkages between SP schemes and Employment programs How to improve linkages between social protection, employment, and policy options? 
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