Assessment Based National Dialogue Global Guide
The social protection floor (SPF) is a basic set of social security guarantees that should be extended to all. Following the adoption of the Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202), by the International Labour Conference (ILC) at its 101st Session in June 2012, supporting the design and implementation of national social protection floors is a priority for the ILO. The ILO has taken a leading role in promoting social protection floors and supporting member States in designing and implementing their national social protection strategies.
To support the implementation of SPFs in Asia, the ILO has elaborated methodological guidelines to undertake a participatory process to design national social protection floors. The Assessment Based National Dialogue (ABND) methodology consist on:
- assessing the SPFs elements already in place and the coverage gaps;
- identifying the policy options to fill the gaps and costing its implementation;
- endorsing the identified policy options for all the relevant actors at the national level.
The ABND methodology was tested in Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam. Based on this experience, a Good practices guide has been produced. Myanmar, Mongolia and the Philippines are currently applying the methodology, as well as Kyrgyzstan and Mozambique.
As countries on other regions are going through the ABND exercises, the ILO is working on a Global version of the ABND Guide.
The objective of this workspace is to facilitate the production of the ABND Global Guide through the collection of the material produced in the context of the ABND exercises, the specific methodologies applied, the pedagogic and audio-visual productions, and the experience of the national actors.