Experts Meeting in Indonesia on Social Security and Social Protection Floor: Learning from Regional Experiences

Le Meridien Hotel, Jakarta - Indonesia, 12-15 December 2011


The main goal of the meeting is to support the implementation of the Indonesian Jobs Pact on social protection and the Social Security Law No. 40/2004 by sharing information and knowledge on existing social protection tools and initiatives at the global, regional and national level.

The meeting is in line with the recent report published by the ILO and the World Health Organizations (WHO) titled "Social Protection Floor for Fair and Inclusive Globalization", emphasizing the principles of the Social Protection Floor (SPF) Initiative. The report is also known as the Bachelet Report as it was formulated under the chairpersonship of Mrs Michelle Bachelet, former President of Chile. The report was also used as a background and advocacy document for the G20 discussions on social protection.

The meeting presents lessons learnt form various Asian countries, including Thailand, China and Cambodia. In addition, the meeting includes sessions on comparative analysis with the ILO's Convention No. 102 on Social Protection, income security for children, income security to the working age, including compensation for workers experiencing work injuries and disabilities and for working age population, particularly for the elderly.

The meeting targets policy makers from Government ministries. The meeting also involves representatives from employers' and workers' ogranizations, national and international organizations, UN agencies working on social protection issues as well as mass media.

The third day of the meeting was funded by the ASEAN-ILO/Japan Project on Unemployment Insurance and Employment Services in ASEAN.



Press Release: English / Bahasa Indonesia


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