Enhancing employers' involvement in Social Protection policy debates - October 2016

“Enhancing employers’ involvement in Social Protection policy debates”


Lead partner: ACT/EMP

Co Partner: SOC PRO



The objective is to provide training that enables officials from the representative EOs to understand and master the Social Protection Floor concept and its implications, and to equip them with knowledge and tools to become more active and have more constructive impact in national discussions on social protection schemes and their extension.

The training material and training course will enable participants to:

  • Understand the concept of the Social Protection Floor and in general how it fits within the ILO strategies and international debates on Decent Work ; post 2015 development agenda, poverty reduction, formalization, whilst preserving also the private sector development and the sustainable enterprise approach, including understanding of the view points of the main stakeholders.
  • Understand and be able to focus on the issues and interests in the social protection floor debate and implementation at national level from an employers’ viewpoint, with specific attention for its sustainability and affordability, the impact on economic development from a macro and micro viewpoint, the linkages between the Social Protection Floor and other policy fields notably fiscal and employment policies; productivity and income setting; firm competitiveness,  fight against absenteeism, fight against turn-over; and the formulation and implementation  of  coherent economic and social  policies in social protection which duly take on board the business priorities.
  • Contribute to political and technical discussions related to the global policy debates at international and national level, and on the best ways to advance in the progressive building of social protection floors in a way which integrates in the design and implementation the  concerns and interests of the private sector and the need to take account national financial and fiscal capacities.
  • Boost the involvement of employers as social partners in for the development of national social protection floors.
  • Benefit from discussions, exchange and debates with colleagues from other countries and organizations including from multinational enterprises that may promote social protection as part of the HR and CSR policies.
  • Acquire knowledge on the importance of social protection in the codes of conducts of several sectors of industry (mining, oil extraction, cosmetics, luxury, agro-food, wholesale and retail, textile, banking, pharmaceutics, telephony, etc.) and practical ways to check access to social protection for workers along the value chain.
  • Build within EO’s the capacity to develop an global and specific employers approach related to priorities from employers side to be respected / achieved in the discussion on the introduction, extension or modification of SPF systems, with as possible specific outcome the creation of a national business agenda or position paper on SPF.

The training material/course follows a blended methodology composed of a pre-course e-Learning combined with a face-to-face training workshop.

More: Enhancing employers' involvement in Social Protection policy debates (flyer)

Focal contacts


Paolo Salvai
Programme Officer
Programme for Employers' Activities
International Training Center of the ITC ILO , p.salvai@itcilo.org

Thibault van Langenhove 
Social Protection Officer
Social Protection Department 
International Labour Office, vanlangenhove@ilo.org



ILO Flagship programme: Building social protection floors for all

73% of the world population does not benefit from an adequate social protection coverage. This document presents how the ILO's social protection team takes up this challenge. Working with governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations, civil society, and other development partners, the ILO has the power to make a difference and to improve the lives of millions of people across the world. ILO’s technical and political support contributes to build national social protection systems and is supported by a global campaign to inform, train and convince decision-makers. If you also want to fight for social justice in the world, do not hesitate: partner with the ILO to change the lives of millions.

More information on the Global Programme is available on the dedicated workspace.


Short introduction to the workshop

Short concept note introducing the concept of social protection and its importance for employers and employers' organizations.  

To download the document, click here


Selected literature 


Preparatory questionnaire

In order for participants to get the most out of the workshop, they are invited to collect and analyse information regarding the statge of social protection in their country. An analysis of the organization policy message toward social protection and its linkages to growth and employment is also encouraged.   

To download the questionnaire, click here



Agenda of the workshop 

To download the tentative agenda, click here



To download the list of participants, click here 

Presentation of facilitators is available here


Training material 




This training was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

3181 Distance learning phase