Advocacy for social protection in ASEAN

This workspace contains documents and resources such as Statements, Recommendations, Declarations on social protection adopted at the ASEAN level, by Member States or civil society.
18 November 2014: Recommendations of the tripartite seminar on strengthening social protection in ASEAN, Bangkok, Thailand
9 October 2013: ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection
16-19 October 2012. Final Declaration 9th Asia- Europe People’s Forum, Vientiane, Laos
22 March 2012: Recommendations of the tripartite seminar on unemployment insurance, income security and active labour market policies in ASEAN, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
20 September 2011: Recommendations of the 6th ASEAN GO-NGO Forum for social welfare and development

Advocacy videos

Why social protection in important to me? Thailand

Unemployment insurance in Viet Nam, an experience to be shared

Building a social protection floor in Thailand

Resources on social security for migrant workers in ASEAN:

Mahidol University, 2011: Migrant Workers' Right to Social Protection in ASEAN: Case Study of Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand

ILO SRO for South Asia, 2008: Ensuring the right to social security for ASEAN migrant workers through social security agreements

E. Tamagno, 2008: Strengthening social protection for ASEAN migrant workers through social security agreements


Other resources:

Link to the Association of South-East Asian Nations. External link


política de protección social , piso de protección social , diálogo social
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