ASEAN-ILO/Japan Project Promoting and Building Social Protection in ASEAN

ASEAN member states have recognized social protection as one of the key priority areas to achieve growth with equity and “integration with a human face” by 2015. At country level, a number of ASEAN governments have already started designing and reforming their social security systems and employment services, including measures to provide protection to those who have lost their jobs. However, coverage provided by social insurance schemes very often remains limited to formal employment; hence innovative measures to tackle the needs of vulnerable workers are still needed.

Committed to extend social security in the region, the ten ASEAN Leaders adopted a Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection on 9 October 2013 in Brunei Durassalam. In November 2015, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the ten Leaders adopted the ASEAN Regional Framework and Action Plan to implement the Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection.

ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection

ASEAN Regional Framework and Action Plan to implement the Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection

Since 2011, the ILO/Japan Project to Promote and Build Social Protection has supported the shared need among the ASEAN’s governments and social partners for further exploring, designing and implementing strategies and schemes that will increase access to social protection and employment for all. More specifically, the project contributes to the implementation of the recently adopted ASEAN Declaration to Strengthen Social Protection. In addition, by facilitating South-South knowledge sharing and cooperation, the project offers a platform for generating knowledge and developing capacities.

The project is implemented in close collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Senior Labour Officials Meeting (SLOM), ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD), ASEAN Confederation of Employers, ASEAN Trade Unions Council, and employers and workers' organisations in ASEAN countries. 

The phase I of hte project (2011-2013) focussed on promoting unemployment insurance and employment services in ASEAN, with a target country being Viet Nam.

The phase II (2014-2016) brought knolwedge and facilitated exchange of experiences and good practices for the effective implementaiton of the ASEAN Declaration on Social Protection, including capacity devleopment activities on issues such as extension of pension, unemployment protection, delivery of social benefits and services.

The phase III (2016-2018) aims at creating knowledge and enhancing expertise and capacities of the ASEAN member States to find innovative solutions to extend social security coverage. The project provides direct support to Viet Nam and Indonesia for improving its legal and policy framework, institutional capacity and administration system in view of increasing social insurance coverage. Lessons learnt, experiences and good practices from this two countries will be disseminated accross the ASEAN member States.


Areas of action

Phase III: Extending social security coverage in ASEAN (ESSA) - Fact sheet

ILO-ASEAN partnership on social protection - Factsheet

Building capacity of ASEAN social partners: Employers' organizations and Workers' organizations

Developing a monitoring framework for measuring progress in extending social protection floors in ASEAN

South-South exchange of experiences and expertise: study visit to Mongolia

Promoting unemployment insurance and employment services in ASEAN

Key resources

C. Ong, C. Peyron Bista, 2015: The state of social protection in ASEAN at the dawn of integration, ILO, Bangkok

J. Carter, M. Bedard, C. Peyron Bista, 2013: Comparative review of unemployment and employment insurance systems in Asia and Worldwide, ILO, Bangkok

International Labour Office, Social Protection Department, 2016: Report to the Government: Assessment of the social security legislation for the ratification of the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102), ILO, Mongolia


The unemployment insurance scheme in Viet Nam: an experience to be shared

The one stop shop: The Mongolian experience for delivering social protection and employment services


Viet Nam  In ASEAN  l  Events  l  Resources  l  Proejct fact sheet  l ILO/ASEAN social protection Fact sheet

٩٧٤ UI Malaysia
٩٧٧ 18 Months review
٣٠٥٤ ASEAN Employers' Activities
٩٤٢ ASEAN UI Project 2011-2013
٣٠٥٥ ASEAN Workers' Activities
٣٣٨٣ Bangkok Seminar 2019
١٩٤٢ Employment counseling training
٣٢٤١ Experts' networking May 2017
٣٢٧٠ Extension Course 2017
٩٧٦ HCMC Seminar 2012
١٢٥٤ IEC Viet Nam
٣٠٥٢ Jakarta seminar 2015
٢٢٣١ KPI Workshop, 13 Dec 2013, Hanoi
١٩٤١ KPI Workshop, 20 Aug 2013, Hanoi
٣١٩٤ Manila Seminar 2016
٣١٩٥ Pension course 2015
٢١٨٥ Resources
١٢٧٠ Round Table UI Manila
١١٦١ Study visit Thailand July 2012
٩٦٥ Study Visit Tokyo November 2011
٣٠٤١ Unemployment Prot Course 2015
٣٠٣٩ Unemployment prot. course 2013
٩٧٨ Validation Workshop
٩٦٠ Viet Nam Unemployment insurance
٩٧٥ ILO/ASEAN social protection
٣٠٥٣ Bangkok seminar 2014