Improving Social Protection and Promoting Employment. An ILO/EU project
Improving Social Protection and Promoting Employment (2010-2012) is a joint project of the International Labour Organization and the European Union. It aims at the creation of integrated social protection and employment policy frameworks in three low-income pilot countries: Cambodia, Burkina Faso and Honduras.
This section contains information about the project and its latest activities and events, as well as background information about social protection and employment policies in the three countries involved. In addition, the country-specific employment and social protection studies produced in the project and other relevant resources may be accessed.
Burkina Faso
Social Protection and Employment Policies
This section summarizes the findings of the social protection and employment analyses in context of the studies produced by the project and outlines the social protection and employment situation and policies in Burkina Faso.
Social Protection in Burkina Faso: An overview of the social protection situation and policies in Burkina Faso.
Employment in Burkina Faso: An overview of the employment situation and policies in Burkina Faso.
Main Resources
Synthesis report
Technical cooperation reports - Publications
- Burkina Faso. Revue des dépenses et de la performance de la protection sociale (SPER)
- Burkina Faso. Vers une stratégie de travaux publics à haute intensité de main d'oeuvre (HIMO)
- Burkina Faso. Les fonds d'emploi: performance et impact
- Burkina Faso. Une approche intégrée d'extension de la protection sociale et de promotion de l'emploi
- Burkina Faso. Bâtir un socle de protection sociale et promouvoir l'accès à un emploi décent pour les jeunes pauvres et vulnérables en situation de chômage ou de sous-emploi
- Burkina Faso. Calcul du coût d'un socle de protection sociale dans le cadre d'une stratégie de politiques d'emploi et de protection sociale
Workshop reports
- Revue des Dépenses et de la Performance de la Protection Sociale (SPER) au Burkina Faso (DRAFT), October 2011
- Compte rendu de l'Atelier d'évaluation de simulation des options d'une approche intégrée d'extension de la protection sociale et de promotion de l'emploi March 19-22, 2012
- Report "Vers un strategie de travaux publics à haute intensite de main-d'oevre au Burkina Faso" January, 2012
Workshops and Events
- Workshop: Revue des Dépenses et de la Performance de la Protection Sociale au Burkina Faso et la restitution de l’étude sur la performance et l’impact des fonds d’appui à la promotion de l’emploi, Ouagadougou, October 6-7, 2011
- Workshop: Diálogue Nacional Tripartite, Ouagadougou, June 25-26, 2012
Social Protection and Employment Policies
This section summarizes the findings of the social protection and employment analyses in context of the studies produced by the project and outlines the social protection and employment situation and policies in Cambodia.
Social Protection in Cambodia
An overview of the social protection situation and policies in Cambodia.
Employment in Cambodia
An overview of the employment situation and policies in Cambodia.
Main Resources
Synthesis report
Technical cooperation reports - Publications
- Cambodia. Social protection expenditure and performance review (SPER) - English / Khmer
- Cambodia. Toward integrated employment and social protection policies
- Cambodia. Financial assessment of the National Social Protection Strategy for the Poor and Vulnerable (NSPS) - English / Khmer
- Cambodia. Social security for the formal economy: Outlook and challenges ahead
- Cambodia. Toward a national employment strategy for sustained poverty reduction - English / Khmer
- Cambodia. Promotion of coordinated social protection and employment policies. Synthesis of the technical cooperation reports
Workshop reports
- Skills Training Workshop for the Extension of Social Protection and Promotion of Employment, Report on the training workshop in Phnom Penh, November 2-4, 2011
- Cambodia: Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Review (DRAFT), A diagnostic tool developed by the ILO that aims to establish a comprehensive overview of a country’s social protection system.
- Review and Valuation of the Employment and Social Protection Studies in Cambodia Report, Phnom Penh, November 2-4, 2011
- ILO-EU: Tripartite Consultative Group Meeting, Report on the Steering Committee Meeting, Phnom Penh, January 31, 2012
Workshops and Events
- Training Workshop - Extending Social Protection and Promoting Employment in Cambodia, Phnom Penh, November 2-4, 2011
- EU/ILO Workshop: Review and Valuation of the Employment and Social Protection Studies in Cambodia, Phnom Penh, November 7-8, 2011
- Tripartite Consultative Group Meeting - Cambodia, Phnom Penh, January 31, 2012
- National Tripartite Policy Dialogue – Cambodia, Phnom Penh, March 28-29, 2012
- Dissemination of the ILO-EU Studies in Cambodia, Siem Reap, May 28, 2013
Social Protection and Employment Policies
This section summarizes the findings of the social protection and employment analyses in context of the studies produced by the project and outlines the social protection and employment situation and policies in Honduras.
Social Protection in Honduras
An overview of the social protection situation and policies in Honduras.
Employment in Honduras
An overview of the employment situation and policies in Honduras.
Main Resources
Synthesis report
Technical cooperation reports - Publications
- Honduras. La protección social en Honduras. Documento para discusión (Perdomo report, last version)
- Honduras. Elementos para una política de empleo y combate a la pobreza (Klein report, last version)
- Honduras. Política integrada de empleo y protección social en Honduras. Lineamientos para un Plan de acción nacional
- Honduras. Mejorar la protección social y promover el empleo. Resultados del diálogo nacional y síntesis de los trabajos
Workshop reports
- Hernández, R. H.: "Informe Seminaro-Taller de revisión técnica de los estudios de empleo y protección social y capacitación" Tegucigalpa, September 5-6, 2011
- "Actividades desarrolladas: Proyecto 'Mejorando la protección social y promoviendo el empleo'" May 2012
Workshops and Events
- Hernández, R. H.: "Informe Seminaro-Taller de revisión técnica de los estudios de empleo y protección social y capacitación" Tegucigalpa, September 5-6, 2011
- EU/OIT: Conversatorios y Actividades, Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, May 2012
- National Forum on Employment and Social Protection, Tegucigalpa, October 9-10, 2012
Interregional Conference
Interregional Conference
The Interregional Conference “Improving Social Protection and Promoting Employment: Experiences and Lessons Learnt - An ILO-EU Project” will take place on 3rd and 4th December 2012 in Brussels, Belgium.
The Interregional Conference is a forum to present and discuss the results of the Project “Improving social protection and promoting employment” (INT/09/06/EEC), signed in 2009 and running through December 2012. The Project contributed to the development of coherent and integrated social protection and employment policy frameworks in the three countries covered, namely Burkina Faso, Cambodia and Honduras, with the active participation of the social partners. The meeting will serve as an opportunity to share the visions of the tripartite partners from the three pilot countries, to exchange experiences, to draw the lessons learnt and to agree on a set of recommendations to improve the integration of employment and social protection policy frameworks.