Building Social Protection Floors in Asia

This workspace has been developed to share useful information and resources on Building Social Protection Floors in Asia.

You are invited to share, through the Resources section of the workspace, additional examples, supplementary material and tools, etc. which may be useful to UN Country Teams in their work on social protection.

The resources can be downloaded below.

UNDG-AP Issues Brief on Social Protection

Commissioned by the UNDG-AP to support UNCTs in their work on social protection, the Issues Brief on Social Protection:

  • lays out a joint UN position on social protection in Asia and the Pacific;
  • highlights potential entry points for UNCTs in supporting the development of national social protection strategies and the progressive and coordinated implementation of social protection;
  • contains concrete examples of ongoing work on social protection in the region. 

The United Nations Social Protection Floor Team in Thailand

The aim of this brochure "The United Nations Social Protection Floor Team in Thailand : A replicable Experience for other UN Country Team" is to share the United Nations Social Protection Floor (UNSPF) Joint Team’s experience in Thailand and its contribution to the national social protection agenda.

This awareness raising and information tool was produced by the UNSPF Joint Team in Thailand, led by the International Labour Organization (ILO).


Fact Sheets on Building Social Protection Floors in Asia

Videos about Social Protection Floor in Thailand


