Civil Society Forum on Social Protection Floor in Thailand
Civil Society Forum on Social Protection Floor in Thailand
Venue: Karnmanee Palace Hotel, Bangkok : Map
When: Thursday 23 February, 2012 from 08.00 – 15.30 hrs.
Background | Agenda |Pictures| Presentations | Videos | Relevant resources | Minutes of the workshop (Thai/English)
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HelpAge International, in collaboration with ILO and Civil Society Networks promoting social protection in Thailand will organise the Civil Society Forum on Social Protection Floor in Thailand for civil society agencies.
The forum is organised to provide an overview on the Social Protection Floor and to discuss its process in Thailand as well as its benefits and implications.
Expected outcomes:
Increased awareness and heighten understanding amongst CSOs in Thailand of the social protection floor initiatives and its implications .
Recommendations on the social protection floor policies, programmes, and implementation to the government through incorporation in the UN SPF report.
A roadmap for promoting participation of CSOs in the SFP process in Thailand , which is being facilitated by the UN-SPF team
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