Hands-on Training Course: How to Cost, Finance and Monitor Social Protection Schemes?

“Hands-on Training Course: How to Cost, Finance and Monitor Social Protection Schemes?”

Tuesday 15- Thursday 17 May 2012

Faculty of Economics of Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok


On behalf of the UN SPF team in Thailand, the ILO is organizing in close collaboration with the Health Insurance System Research Office (HISRO), the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) and the Faculty of Economics of Chulalongkorn University a three days hands-on training course  on “How to cost, finance and monitor Social Protection Schemes?” from Tuesday 15 to Thursday 17 May 2012.

This 3 days course is designed for technical staff from relevant government and non-government institutions, workers and employers organizations, the Academia, UN agencies involve in the design, costing and implementation of social protection policies. 

Objectives of  the course:


This course enables participants to:

  • Gain technical expertise on the design and costing of social protection policies
  • Discuss issues related to financing (e.g. fiscal space analysis to identify relevant budget allocations & tax policies that could fund the extension of social protection)
  • Learn how to assess and measure the impact of social protection programmes on poverty reduction and other indicators


For more information, click:

Background | AgendaTerm of Reference | Presentations | Relevant Resources | Minutes of the training

Opening Remarks by Ms. Valerie Schmitt, ILO




1112 Background
1109 Presentations
1127 Relevant Resources