South-South Exchange on "Integrating Social Policies and the Delivery of the Social Protection Floor"
Technical workshop held at Siem Reap, Cambodia, 29-31 May 2013
The ILO and the Royal Government of Cambodia are organising a technical workshop in Siem Reap, Cambodia along with the partners involved in the implementation of the National Social Protection Strategy. The workshop will take stock of the experiences of participating countries in the development of coherent national social protection strategies. More specifically, the workshop will focus on improving coordination among policies and schemes at the cross-ministerial, national and regional levels, on developing integrated packages of services and transfers, on linking employment and social protection, and on implementing integrated delivery mechanisms for these services, following a Single Window Service approach.
Objectives of the workshop
To better understand ILO’s strategy for the extension of social security, including linkages with employment promotion;
To provide inputs for the effective implementation of the National Social Protection Strategy in Cambodia and to the Social Service Delivery Mechanism (SSDM);
To learn from the experiences of ASEAN and other countries, and foster South-South exchange and interagency coordination for the effective implementation of Social Protection Floors and comprehensive social security systems;
To explore ways to coordinate social security and employment support policies and related delivery mechanisms at central and local levels.
The workshop will be followed by a meeting of a reference group of experts from the ASEAN and other countries in Asia and the Pacific region, and across the world. They will be invited to share their experiences on integrated social protection and employment programmes, services and initiatives. The reference group will be involved in the drafting of an SPF Good Practices Guide on “Integrating Social Policies and Delivery of the Social Protection Floor”.
To read more on Social Protection Floors, social security extension and integrated delivery approaches, please visit our Online Library.
The technical workshop and meeting of the reference group of experts are supported by:
Workshop documents: Terms of reference | Agenda and presentations | List of participants | Report (short/long) | Admin note
Workshop coverage: Media advisory | Press release (English/Khmer) | Interviews of participants
Photographs: Opening & Medal Ceremony | Introduction | Session I | Session II | Session III | Session IV | Session V
World Café | Session VI | Closing
Reference Group: Terms of reference | Agenda | Structure of SPF Good Practices Guide
To read more about the Guide, please click here.
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Social security as a Human Right!