
Preparation of Social Security Laws: Standards, Policy and Legislation

National Technical Training Seminar, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR, 27-29 August 2013

The ILO plans to organize a series of technical training seminars on various thematic areas related to social security, including minimum standards and legislation, financing of schemes, social health insurance, unemployment insurance, and harmonization of schemes. The purpose of the seminars is to collectively support countries where reforms are ongoing or under consideration. The first of the training seminars is on "Social Security Standards, Policy and Legislation". It aims to address policy issues, design of social security schemes and aspects related to the implementation and governance of schemes.


1. Enhance participants' knowledge of ILO's main social security standards, notably the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102), and other conventions and recommendations.

2. Conduct discussions on the topics:

(a) common legal definitions of different social security contingencies;

(b) qualifying conditions commonly applied; and

(c) common designs of benefit provisions, ensuring consistency, equity and an adequate benefit level.

3. Discuss linkages between target population, benefit design, financing requirements, and trade-offs to be considered while developing social security legislation.

4. Discuss relevant aspects related to the development or amendment of social security legislation; and its implementation, including governance arrangements, administration, compliance and delivery of benefits.

5. Share experiences among ASEAN countries and foster South-South exchange for developing and implementing social security legislation, and thereby building comprehensive social security systems.

Participants: policy makers, high-level government officials and technical officers involved in the development of social security legislation from Lao PDR, Myanmar, Viet Nam, Indonesia and Cambodia, ILO experts and officers

The training seminar was co-organised by the project LAO/11/01M/LUX and ILO DWT Bangkok. It was also supported by South-South Cooperation, SPA Indonesia, RBTC, One-UN Project.

Concept Note | Agenda & Presentations | National Laws on Social Security | List of participants | Report | Photographs

1516 home
2822 National Laws on Pensions
1517 National Laws on Social Security
1518 Presentations 27 Aug
1520 Presentations 28 Aug
1519 Presentations 29 Aug