
Regional High Level Training on Institutionalizing and Administering National Social Protection Programmes: April 2015

ILO, UNICEF, Irish Aid, European Union and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Government of Kenya, and Social Protection Secretariat -Kenya.

In April 2015, the ILO’s project ‘Building National Floors of Social Protection in Southern Africa’ under the Irish Aid organized an innovative training curriculum focusing on: Legal Frameworks; Governance and Administration; Payment Systems and Coordination across Social Protection programmes.  This training was organized to respond to the need of documentation and training on key aspects of social protection implementation in East and Southern Africa to develop the capacity of policy makers, implementers, programme managers and other stakeholders in the region. The training was held under collaborative efforts with UNICEF. 

The training drew participation from 7 countries including Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Lesotho, South Africa, Tanzania and Kenya (host country). Additionally the programme also drew participation of partners from UNICEF, European Union and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, thereby underpinning the strategic intent of cultivating partnerships within and outside the UN group.

The Project is now focusing on finalizing the different modules of the training package as this will enable further trainings and knowledge building aimed at strengthening administrative capacity in Social Protection.  A dedicated Workspace for this activity is underway to share more information.

Training Zambia Archived