Validation Workshop of the 18 Months' Review of UI Scheme and on the Chapter of Employment Insurance under Employment Law, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 19 October 2011
Report of the eigtheen month review and evaluation of the UI scheme in Viet Nam
- Findings and recommendations of the 18 months' review of UI scheme - Ms. Celine Peyron Bista, Social
Security and UI Project Advisor, ILO
- Draft of EI chapter under employment law - Mr. Mr. Le Quang Trung, Vice Director of BoE
- ILO's standards on UI/EI - Ms. Emmanuelle Saint Pierre Guibault, LEgal Expert, SECSOC, ILO
- Conceptual considerations on UI and EI - Ms. Celine Peyron Bista, ILO
- Implications for UI law revision in Viet Nam - Ms. Emmanuelle Saint Pierre Guibault, ILO