Round table on the Design of Unemployment Insurance Systems: Learning from ASEAN experiences, 19-20 November 2012, Manila, Philippines

More than 60 participants from the Philippines, as well as resource persons from the Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam attended the Round Table. They were policy makers, practitioners, social partners and experts involved in the design and implementation of unemployment benefits or other measures to protect the unemployed.

The resource persons were those part of the ASEAN Unemployment Protection Experts’ Network. Experts of this Network are policy-makers, practitioners, researchers who participate in most events organized by the ILO/Japan ASEAN UI Project, and play the role of resource persons in training and technical meetings in their respective country. The members of this Network are also considered as potential experts to provide technical support to the development of unemployment benefits schemes and employment services in ASEAN.

The Round Table was organized by the ILO Country Office for the Philippines, the ILO/Japan-ASEAN UI Project and the Government of the Philippines.

The Round Table recalled international labour standards relating to unemployment benefits, share experiences of ASEAN’s on-going initiatives to protect and support the unemployed, as well as worldwide practices on unemployment insurance. 

More specifically , the Round Table achieved the following four objectives:

(i) it raised awareness on ILO’s principles and concepts related to unemployment protection,

(ii) it explored different modalities of unemployment or employment insurance applied in countries worldwide,

(iii) it shared experiences and lessons learnt from ASEAN countries concerning the design process, consensus building for the introduction of unemployment benefits and necessary adjustments of the unemployment insurance over time,

(iv) it presented the different steps of the design process and the importance of adopting an integrated approach between unemployment insurance and employment support policies.

The Round Table combined learning and interactive methods, e.g. power point presentations, group exercises and discussions. The Round Table engaged some discussions on concrete study cases inspired from international practices, with the objective to get the participants to reflect on different possible options for unemployment protection.

Policy makers and practitioners from invited countries shared their experience on the design and implementation of their respective schemes and programmes to protect the unemployed. In addition to a presentation on specific issues, each country prepared a Country Brief (8 to 10 pages) to present the unemployment situation, existing policy and programmes to protect the unemployed and possible recommendations for improvement of the unemployed protection in their respective country.

Country brief

Malaysia   l   Myanmar  l     Thailand   l  Viet Nam

Proceedings of the Round Table


Monday 19 November 2012

Unemployment situation and its challenges in the Philippines, by DOLE Philippines

ILO’s standards on unemployment protection, by Celine Peyron Bista, ILO

Thailand: The design process of the UI scheme and its adjustments over time, by Nawarat Boonpiam, SSO Thailand

Viet Nam: Presentation of the unemployment insurance scheme and recent debates, by Tran Tuan Tu, MoLISA, Viet Nam

Looking at different models: Learning from 14 UI/EI schemes across the world, by Celine Peyrin Bista, ILO

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Integrated approach: unemployment benefits and employment support servicesby Celine Peyron Bista, ILO

Philippines: Role of the Public Employment Services Offices (PESO) to support the unemployedby DOLE Philippines

Viet Nam: Role of Employment Services Centres to facilitate the re-employment of the insured unemployedby Tran Tuan Tu, MoLISA, Viet Nam

Thailand: One-counter-service approach for a better access to employment services and social security benefits, by Anchalee Sintuphant, DOE, Thailand

Myanmar: Existing measures to protect the unemployed and challenges, by MOL Myanmar


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