Session I
Opening | Session I | Session II | Session III | Session IV | Session V | Session VI | Closing
Session I - The SPF and the need for coherent social protection strategies and coordination mechanisms
Sesson moderated by: H.E. Dr Tuon Thavrak, Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Planning, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Click to view: Background note for Session I
1. Developing and implementing a coherent national social protection strategy through a coordination mechanism
Speaker: H.E. Sann Vathana, Deputy Secretary General, Council for Agricultural and Rural Development, Cambodia
Click to view: Presentation | Speaker's biography | Interview
2. The challenge of implementing nationally defined social protection floors
Speaker: Martin Hirsch, President, Civil Service Institute & former High Commissioner for Anti-Poverty and Youth Policies, Government of France, Paris
Click to view: Presentation | Speaker's biography | Video
3. The need for coordination to give effect to the principles of the ILO Recommendation on National Floors of Social Protection
Speaker: Valerie Schmitt, ILO Bangkok
Click to view: Presentation | Speaker's biography | Video
4. The Social Protection Inter-agency Coordination Board (SPIAC-B): coordination at global and national levels
Speaker: Christine Bockstal, Coordinator Country Operations, Social Protection Department, ILO Geneva
Click to view: Presentation | Speaker's biography | Video
5. Importance of coordination for the development of a National Health Insurance System and the design of a National Social Protection Strategy in Lao PDR
Discussant: Bouaphat Phonvisay, Deputy Director of National Health Insurance Bureau, Ministry of Health, Lao PDR, Vientiane