4th ABND, 12 Sep 2014

Assessing the cost of a social protection floor in Mongolia: Introduction of final results and draft report

In September 2013, the Government, notably the Ministry of Population Development and Social Protection (MPDSP) and the UN Country Team for Mongolia have launched the Assessment Based National Dialogue (ABND) on Social Protection and Employment support services (SP-ES).

During the first step of the ABND exercise, the development of the assessment matrix consists in (i) mapping for each of the four guarantees of the SPF an inventory of existing social security, social protection and poverty alleviation programmes, (ii) identifying policy gaps and implementation issues, and (iii) preparing a number of recommendations for the design and implementation of further social protection provisions with the aim of guaranteeing at a minimum the SPF to all the population.

Between September (launch of the ABND or Dialogue #1) and end of November 2013, the assessment matrix has been developed with all stakeholders involved in social protection in Mongolia, ministries and government agencies, social partners, civil society, academia and development partners, through national and local consultations.

The validation of the assessment matrix and key recommendation workshop (Dialogue#2) was held on 05 December 2013 in Ulaanbaatar. The workshop was attended by the Vice Minister of Population Development and Social Protection Mr E.Tamir, the Programme analyst of the ILO Country office for China and Mongolia Mrs. Samina Hasan and over 60 participants from ministries, agencies, local government institutions, academia, NGOs and UN agencies.  

During December 2013 and May 2014, the key recommendations were selected, the scenarios are developed and costing of scenarios was estimated. On 13 March, a technical working group composed of experts and practitioners from MPDSP and Ministry of Labour, and the UN Working Group on Social Protection have converted the key recommendations into scenarios that can be further “costed”. These scenarios are specific social protection provisions that need to be introduced or further expanded to fill the gaps and guarantee at least a comprehensive social protection floor for all the population in Mongolia. The costs of these provisions is being calculated and projected over the 2014-2020 period using the ILO-UNICEF costing tool called the Rapid Assessment Protocol (RAP).

The third ABND exercise took place on the 2nd of May 2014 with the aim to share with all stakeholders the methodology of the RAP and preliminary results of the costing. In the morning session the official launching of the ILO MAPS project took place. Around one hundred technical staff and directors from relevant government institutions, workers and employers’ organizations, UN agencies, civil society representatives and other development partners that are dealing with social protection and employment support policies and programmes have attended the event. Also present were Mr. A.Isawa, Assistant Minister for International Affairs for the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan and Mr. Ya. Ariga, Deputy Director for Technical cooperation on labour international affairs division Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

The high ranking officials of Mongolian counterparts have made welcome remarks in the occasion of the Launch of the Project, namely  Mr. J. Bathuag, Vice Minister of Labour, Ms. B. Otgonjargal, State Secretary of MPDSP, Mr Adya, Secretary General CMTU and Mr. Erdenebaatar, Vice CEO, MONEF and Mr. Tim de Meyer, Director of the ILO office for China and Mongolia as well as Mr. Togtokhsuren, Governor of Uvurkhangai aimag, and Mr. D.Jargalsaikhan, Governor of Bayanhongor aimag.

From May to September 2014, the finalization of costing, observation of fiscal space and writing ABND draft report was implemented. 

The fourth national dialogue “Assessing the cost of a social protection floor in Mongolia: validation of costing results and introduction of final report” was held on 12 September 2014 and had a goal to share with all stakeholders the final results of the costing of establishing a social protection floor and a draft of Report. Around 30 participants representatives of relevant government institutions, workers and employers’ organizations, UN agencies, civil society other development partners that are dealing with social protection and employment support policies and programmes took place in the discussion. Ms. Otgonjargal, the State Secretary of MPDSP, fully attended the morning session. 



  1. Assessment based national dialogue on social protection and employment support in Mongolia: methodology, recommendations and agreed policy options Ms.Celine Peyron Bista, Chief Technical Advisor, MAPS Project, ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and Dr. S.Baigalmaa, National Project Manager, ILO MAPS Project
  2. ABND in Mongolia: Rapid assessment protocol (RAP), results of the costing and preliminary considerations on the fiscal space, Ms.Celine Peyron Bista, Chief Technical Advisor, MAPS Project, ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and Dr. G. Enkhbayar, Professor of Public Management Academy

Report of the 4th National dialogue