Starting point
The Social Security Department of the ILO in Geneva Switzerland, in collaboration with the ILO’s offices around the world, has launched a global training activity on “Strengthening the Tripartite Governance of Social Security Systems”. The target audience is worker, employer and government members and parliamentarians of social security and social protection boards and commissions.
The Training
The primary focus of the training is to present and revise with key stakeholders, basic social security principles, standards, financing and governance issues – for non technicians – considered in the ILO’s Decent Work agenda.
The training activity also aims at updating participants on the current discussions, trends and developments on social security and social protection, in particular:
The Conclusions of the “Recurrent discussion on social protection (social security) under the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization (International Labour Conference, 100th Session).
Overview of the forthcoming Standard-setting discussion on the “Elaboration of an autonomous Recommendation on the social protection floor” at the 2012 International Labour Conference, 101 Session, 2012.
The report of the Advisory Group chaired by Michelle Bachelet and convened by the ILO with the collaboration of the WHO that will be presented during the forthcoming G-20 meeting in France “Social protection floor for a fair and inclusive globalization”.
Current state of the art activities by ILO in every host country.
Training Collaboration in Thailand
To deliver and constantly update its global training curricula, the ILO is developing short, medium and long-term partnerships with prestigious academic and training institution such as the Labour and Management Development Centre, Chulalongkorn University.
This first joint training activity is the opportunity to discuss the possibility of a longer-term cooperation of the Centre and ILO.