Training Course on Designing and Implementing Unemployment Benefits Linking with Active Labour Market Policies, 19-28 October 2015, Malacca, Malaysia.
Sharing knowledge, experiences and lessons for the development of policies aimed at protecting and supporting the unemployed and underemployed
Malacca, Malaysia, 19-28 October 2015
The training course was organized by the International Training Center of the ILO (ITC ILO) in partnership with the ILO/Japan Project "Promoting and bulding social protection and employment services in ASEAN"..
The training aimed at guiding policy makers in the design and implementation of integrated unemployment protection programmes and employment support policies. More specifically, the course explored different aspects of the design and implementation of unemployment protection schemes targeting at both informal and formal economy workers. This included international labour standards related to unemployment protection, financial aspects, laws and regulations, options for institutional set-up and importance of social dialogue in developing such measures.
More specifically, the training achieved the following objectives:
- Understand the place of unemployment benefits and employment support in ILO’s strategy to extend social protection;
- Learn about the ILO’s Conventions and Recommendations related to unemployment protection;
- Determine the different parameters that will form an unemployment benefits scheme (contributory and non-contributory);
- Learn tips from other experiences and good practices to facilitate the dialogue among social partners on unemployment benefits;
- Calculate a cost estimate of unemployment protection measures by using ILO tools;
- Envisage linkages between unemployment benefits and employment support services;
- Provide inputs to draft the legal framework regulating the unemployment benefits schemes and amendments to existing laws;
- Establish procedures to run a unemployment protection scheme;
- Define a strategy and targets for the performance of the system;
The report of the training is now available!
ILO/Japan Project: Promoting unemployment insurance and employment services in ASEAN
The training builds on two and half year of research, documentation of experiences, knowlege sharing and technical services facilitated by the ILO/Japan-ASEAN UI Project to ASEAN countries in search of improved unemployment protection for their workers.
Read more about the project.
Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102)
Employment Promotion and Unemployment Protection Convention, 1988 (No. 168)
Recommendation on Social Protection Floors, 2012 (No. 202)
Comparative Review of unemployment and employment insurance experiences in Asia and worldwide
Flyer | Agenda | List of participants | Photographs | Report | Videos - coming soon!
Module 0: Introduction and getting started: The course and How to use the Good Practices Guide?
Module 1: Introduction and extension of social protection: What role does unemployment protection play in a comprehensive social security system?
Module 2: International standards and ILO’s approach: What are ILO's Conventions and Recommendations on unemployment protection?
Module 3: Developing broad policy options on combined unemployment protection packages: How can a national consensus be reached on broad policy options for the improvement of unemployment protection?
Module 4: Institutional set-up: Who will be responsible for coordinating and implementing the combined unemployment protection package? Learning from the Ayutthaya Employment Services Centre.
Module 5: Legal framework: What are the implications and constituents of unemployment protection laws and regulations?
Module 6: Cost estimation: How much does it cost to have unemployment benefits? Who will pay for it and how can we ensure that the scheme will be sustainable?
Module 7: Implementation schedule and operations: How can effective procedures be established, in order to guarantee effective implementation of the system?
Module 8: Monitoring and evaluation: How can we keep improving the system?
Module 9: Recap, evaluation and conclusion: What have we learned and how can the network of expertise be maintained?
Case study 1: The challenge of providing unemployment insurance and non-contributory income protection in Coresia
Case study 2: The challenge of providing employment insurance linked to active labour market policies in Coresia
Case study 3: The challenge of providing income support and employment guarantee to the youth in Coresia
Case study 4: The challenge of providing basic income security and enhancing skills of rural Coresia
Case study 5: The challenge of improving skills and providing access to better jobs in Coresia
Download the course time-table
Monday 19 October
Session M0.1: Opening
Session M1.1 Introduction & determining participants' expectations from the course
Charles Cravier, ILO ITC/Turin
Session M1.2: Unemployment protection, as part of a comprehensive social security
Celine Peyron Bista, ILO
Session M1.3: Challenges in ASEAN: Labour Market and Social Protection Situation
Celine Peyron Bista, ILO
Session M1.4: Who wants to be a protectionnaire?
Tuesday 20 October
Session M2.1: ILO standards for unemployment protection
Group exercise: Comparative review of national laws with ILO's Conventions
Céline Peyron-Bista, ILO
Session M2.2: Review of different UI and EI schemes
Celine Peyron Bista, ILO and John Carter
Session M2.3: ASEAN's experiences
Wednesday 21 October 2015
Session M3.1: Understanding the labour market and social protection situation by Célline Peyron-Bista, ILO
Session M3.2: Facilitating a national dialogue for the introduction of UI
John Carter, International Unemployment Protection Expert
Session M3.3: Case study 1: Introduction; Exercise 1
Thursday 22 October 2015
Session M4.1: Coordinating existing income security and employment support policies
Introduction by Celine P. Bista and John Carter
Session M4.2: Integrating unemployment benefits and employment services
Single Window Services as a mechanism in extending social protection programme in Indonesia by Ratnawati Muyanto
Session M5.1: Drafting the legal framework & enforcement of the laws
Introduction by John Carter
Case study Exercise 3: Preparing a draft law
Friday 23 October 2015
Session M4.3: Visit to the Department of Labour, Social Security Office and Employement Centre of Ayatthaya
Presentation by the Provincial Labour Office
Monday 26 October 2015
Session M6.1: From broad options to scenarios
Introduction by Loveleen De
Case study Exercise 4: Translating options into concrete scenarios
Session M6.2: Basic knowledge of costing and actuarial principles by Charles Crevier, ITC ILO
Exemple of dynamic graph by Charles Crevier, ITC ILO
Session M6.3: Case study Exercise 5 - costing of unemployment protection schemes
Assumptions for unemployment benefits in Coresia, word document
Additional data for UI calculations, excel spreadsheet
Blank RAP for Coresia, excel spreadsheet
Tuesday 27 October 2015
Session M7: Operations by Ngo Thi Loan and John Carter, ILO
Example of training needs assessment
Session M8: Monitoring & Evaluation by Ngo Thi Loan and John Carter, ILO
Wednesday 28 October 2015
Session M9: Recap exercises