KPI Workshop, 20 Aug 2013, Hanoi

In the efforts to set up key performance and operations indicators system, agreeable among all implementing agencies (BOE, DOLISA, ESCs, VSS and PSI) and social partners (VGCL, VCCI), BOE sought the support of the ILO to develop a tailor made set of indicators based on the ILO’s social security performance indicators and a review of international experiences.

The process comprises three major steps: (i) drafting a set of indicators to assess the performance of the UI scheme (inspired from the ILO’s social security performance indicators and relevant international experiences); (ii) discussing and agreeing on the set of performance indicators during a national tripartite meeting; (iii) supporting implementation of performance system, through training of trainers.

A preliminary draft list of key performance and operations indicators was discussed during a tripartite stakeholders’ meeting, to be held on 20 August 2013, in Hanoi. 


Opening remarks by Celine Peyron Bista, CTA Project, ILO

Presentation: Performance management- statistics and indicators, by Hiroshi Yamabana, SOCPRO, ILO

List of proposed KPIs discussed at the meeting