You will find on this page the presentations realized by the facilitators throughout the three days. They have been organized according to the workshop schedule.
The first day was dedicated on employment issues, the second day focused on Social Protection and the third day explored the linkages between employment and social protection.
To access to the group works of the afternoon, click here.
Please click on the name to download each presentation.
First day : Designing and implementing Employment Policies
- Project ILO/EU : «Improving Social Protection and Promoting Employment », Helmut Shwarzer, ILO Geneva, Social Security Specialist
- An overview of Labour Markets in Asia, and challenges in Cambodia (English) - Sukti Dagupta, ILO BKK, Employment Specialist
- An overview of Labour Markets in Asia, and challenges in Cambodia (Khmer) - Sukti Dagupta, ILO BKK, Employment Specialist
- Employment Policy in Asia (English) – Sukti Dagupta, ILO BKK, Employment Specialist
- Employment Policy in Asia (Khmer) – Sukti Dagupta, ILO BKK, Employment Specialist
- Tools and methodologies to design poverty reducing employment policies - Claire Harasty, ILO Geneva, Employment Specialist
- The employment policy-making process and planning cycle - Claire Harasty, ILO Geneva, Employment Specialist
- Indicators for monitoring employment policies - Makiko Matsumoto, ILO Geneva, Employment
Second day : Designing and implementing Social Protection policies and schemes
- Social Protection in Asia - Valérie Schmitt, ILO DWT BKK, Social Security Specialist
- ILO Tools and Activities in Asia - Valérie Schmitt, ILO DWT BKK, Social Security Specialist
- ILO Social Security Norms and the Upcoming Recommendation on the SPF- Helmut Shwarzer, ILO Geneva, Social Security Specialist
- Results of the Recurrent Item Discussion on Social Protection at the ILC (June 2011) - Helmut Shwarzer, ILO Geneva, Social Security Specialist
- SPER Methodology, Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Review - Helmut Shwarzer, ILO Geneva, Social Security Specialist
- Situation analysis of social protection and the way forwards - H.E. Sann Vathana, CARD, Deputy Secretary General
- Situation analysis and way forward on NSSF - General Department of Labour & NSSF (MoLVT)
- Current Status and Future TVET Policy Direction - General Department of TVET (MoLVT)
- Situation analysis and way forward on NSSFC - Mr. Saneth Vathana (MoSAVY)
Situation analysis using diagnostic tools : Presentation of the rapid assessment methodology, experience in Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam - - Valérie Schmitt, ILO DWT BKK, Social Security Specialist
Third day : Integrating Employment and Social Protection
- Some Remarks on Coordinating Employment and Social Protection Policies - Helmut Shwarzer, ILO Geneva, Social Security Specialist
- Cambodia’s national social protection strategy : linking Social Protection and Employment - H.E. Sann Vathana, CARD, Deputy Secretary General
- Cambodia's national employment policy and the linkages with social protection - Claire Harasty, ILO Geneva, Employment Specialist
- Towards an integrated approach approach: the PEOPLE service - H.E. Sann Vathana, CARD, Deputy Secretary General, Valérie Schmitt, ILO DWT BKK, Social Security Specialist
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