
El Salvador: Extension of social security to Salvadoran migrants

  • Inglés
Samuel Arellano, José Francisco Ortiz, and Helmut Schwarzer
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In 2017, the Special Health Regime for Common Risks and Maternity, for Salvadoran persons residing abroad and their beneficiaries, was created by decree. It is administered by ISSS and provides coverage to Salvadoran migrants and their family members who continue to reside in El Salvador. The programme came into effect in October 2018 and is currently known as the Special Regime for Salvadorans Abroad (Salvadoreño Seguro programme). The programme marks a milestone for the Salvadoran social protection system, which historically has been targeted exclusively towards salaried workers and protects only 30.6 per cent of the employed population (2020). Following the launch of this programme, in order to further expand coverage, the ISSS launched the Special Regime for SelfEmployed Workers in 2018 to provide this group with access to healthcare benefits.

PPS brief 227 El Salvador