
Social Protection, Growth and Employment: Evidence from India, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Peru and Tajikistan

  • Anglais
United Nations Development Programme
Resource cover


Using a broad definition of social protection, this UNDP report takes an in-depth look at selected programmes and their interaction with employment generation and growth in India, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Peru and Tajikistan. It focuses on poverty and aims to explore how social and economic policies can be better integrated to simultaneously advance social welfare, employment outcomes and inclusive growth.

On chapter 1, the authors present the conceptual framework of the report, and in chapters 2 to 7 the case studies for all six selected countries are presented. Chapter 8 highlights the main lessons learned from the six country studies.

Rapport 6435 Kenya , Malawi , Tadjikistan , Inde , Pérou , Mexique politique de la protection sociale , travailleurs de l'économie informelle , politique de l'emploi , assistance sociale , socle de protection sociale , pauvreté