
Health workforce: A global supply chain approach. New data on the employment effects of health economies in 185 countries

  • English
Scheil-Adlung, Xenia, International Labour Organization
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This paper provides evidence that investments in health protection not only impact on the achievement of health objectives, but also create an important source of employment across numerous economic sectors by presenting for the first time data on:
  1. current number of workers in the entire global health protection supply chains involving the health economies of 185 countries;
  2. employment potential created by addressing health workforce shortages and producing universal health coverage (UHC);
  3. ratio of jobs in health and non-health occupations needed to achieve health objectives;
  4. number of decent jobs required to allow family care workers filling in for workforce shortages to remain in the labour market.

Against this background the paper calls for significantly increasing investments in decent jobs for the production of UHC, sustainable development and inclusive growth.

ESS Paper Series (ILO) ١١٩٧٦