
Ensuring social security benefits for Ukrainian migrant workers

  • English
ILO Decent Work Team and Country Office for Central and Eastern Europe
978-92-2-026549-9; 978-92-2-026550-5 (web pdf)
Resource cover


This publication reviews the development of national migration policy in Ukraine (particularly labour migration policy). It analyzes the migration situation and migration policy in light of recent social and economic development in Ukraine; summarizes the main features of social security benefits in Ukraine; reviews the multilateral and bilateral agreements concluded by Ukraine; and discusses challenges and options for improving the social security coverage of Ukrainian migrant workers.

The publication was developed within the framework of the EU-ILO Project “Effective Governance of Labour Migration and its Skill Dimensions” in Moldova and Ukraine.

This publication is also available in Ukranian.

Book (or chapter) 4440 Ukraine Social protection policy , Migrant workers , Legislation