Trinidad and Tobago - Technical note - Extension of social security to self-employed workers
This technical note discusses options and issues relevant for the extension ofsocial security coverage to the self-employed in Trinidad and Tobago.
It provides guidance to the Government for adopting appropriate policy decisions for the design and implementation of a social security scheme for self-employed in order to guarantee effective social security coverage to this category of workers.
The note makes an overview of problems and difficulties in reaching full-coverage of selfemployed and analyzes the potential strategies for the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to achieve its objective.A detailed analysis of many aspects of the problems identifies areas for furtherinvestigation and leads to specific recommendations. Major recommendations include:
• the need to strengthen the policy design within the current system for salariedworkers and ensure its proper implementation,
• the necessity to enhance close coordination between the contributory socialinsurance system and the Old-Age Pension program,
• linking social security affiliation with registration and licensing of economicactivity and other similar measures,
• the need to adopt a strategy of a gradual extension of coverage by the contributory social insurance starting with certain categories of self-employed,
• the coverage for long-term benefits (old-age, invalidity and survivors), maternitybenefits and funeral grants,
• the need for various forms of subsidisation by the state for the coverage of the lowincome self-employed.