
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Report to the Government, Feasibility study on the Implementation of a Maternity Cash Benefits Scheme

  • English
ILO, Social Security Department, ILO-Beirut
978-92-2-119892-5 (web pdf)
Resource cover


This Report looks at the feasibility of implementing a maternity cash benefits scheme and thus extending the effective scope of the current social insurance programme in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in accordance with existing legal commitments. The Report focuses on the nature and coverage of paid maternity leave. Based on consultations with Jordanian stakeholders (Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Finance, Social Security Corporation and the Advisory Committee to the Working Women's Department of the Ministry of Labour, Employers' and Workers' Organisations) and taking into account the relevant maternity protection provisions under the current Labour Code, it aims at providing a sound basis for decision making regarding the establishment of a fair and affordable maternity protection scheme in Jordan.

Technical Cooperation Report (ILO) 8161 Jordan Social protection policy , Women , Maternity , ILO standards