
The Guiding Principles on extreme poverty and human rights (in Russian)

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


This document, submitted pursuant to resolution 15/19 of the Human Rights  Council, provides the final draft of the guiding principles on extreme poverty and human  rights, which has been prepared by the Special Rapporteur on the basis of consultations  with States and other stakeholders since the initiation of the original drafting process in  2001.

Based on international human rights norms and standards, these Principles are intended as a practical tool for policy-makers to ensure that public policies (including social protection) reach the poorest members of society, respect and uphold their rights. They may be a useful source of guidance in designing social protection assessment tools.

Annex I  contains an overview of the process followed to develop the guiding  principles, while annex II provides a list of relevant resolutions and documents.

Report 2177 Social protection policy , Assessment , ILO standards , Legislation , National strategies , Poverty