Health, ageing and retirement in Europe. First results from SHARE
- English
Understanding ageing and how it affects individuals in the diverse cultural settings ofEurope is the main task of SHARE, the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement inEurope. SHARE has already collected data on the individual life circumstances of about22,000 persons aged 50 and over in 11 European countries, ranging from Scandinavia tothe Mediterranean and data collection is still going on. SHARE has made great efforts todeliver truly comparable data, so we can reliably study how differences in cultures, livingconditions and policy approaches shape the quality of life of Europeans just before andafter retirement. This book presents the first results from SHARE. It is a first step to betterunderstand where we are, where we are heading to, and how we can influence the qualityof life as we age – both as individuals and as societies.