
The Landscape of Microinsurance in Africa

  • English
Matul, M.; McCord, M.; Phily, C.; Harms, J.
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In 2009, the Microinsurance Innovation Facility published, in its Briefing Notes series, the results of a study that revealed the current landscape of microinsurance in Africa. The study, conducted in partnership with the MicroInsurance Centre, identified over 14 million low-income people in Africa who were covered by microinsurance at the end of 2008, almost double where this figure stood in 2004. Even with such growth, substantial parts of the continent remain almost barren of microinsurance.

This paper is an expanded version of those briefing notes, presenting more detailed results of the study and setting them in context. Market opportunity and demand are covered in depth, along with the African regulatory environment and other important enabling factors. The current outreach of microinsurance in Africa, including insurers, products, and delivery channels, is then presented from a practice-based perspective, with case studies and input from expert practitioners. The paper concludes with a discussion of challenges that must be overcome in order to facilitate broader, high-quality expansion in the years to come.

Working paper 3727 Microinsurance , Financing , Unemployment