
Community social protection and income security for households experiencing major illnesses including HIV/AIDS in selected communities around Phnom Penh

  • Anglais
Men Chean R.
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The study aims to enable a better understanding of the role of the extension of social protection in health for poor households living in poor communities on the outskirts of Phnom Penh city, in Russei Keo district, examining socioeconomic impacts: for households that suffer from major illness in general, and for households that are HIV and AIDS vulnerable or positive in these communities in particular. By way of a quantitative and qualitative survey,the study attempts to document for the target population needs in terms of social protection and its probable impacts, with regard to: i) access to health care as a primary social protection mechanism; ii) access to HIV-related services; and iii) access to resources for livelihoods.
Some of the findings of the study show that, among the population in Russei Keo district (peri-urban), the level of poverty is not as high as in rural areas but is slightly higher than in the main urban area. A relatively highproportion of the population was found to have incurred debt over the past year, especially among the poor.

Autre 2679 Cambodge travailleurs migrants , travailleurs ruraux , VIH/SIDA