
Mexico: Towards universal non-contributory pensions for older persons and those with permanent disability

  • Inglés
Helmut Schwarzer and Marta Cebollada Gay
Resource cover


On 1 December 2018, Andrés Manuel López Obrador was sworn in as President of Mexico for a six-year term from 2019–2024. One of his social priorities has been the extension of pension coverage for older persons and those with permanent disabilities. As a result, on 8 May 2020, the Decree on the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States was adopted, which established the right to a non-contributory pension for these persons in constitutional law. The Government aims to achieve universal pension coverage for older persons by the end of 2022. The reforms undertaken in Mexico contribute to the creation of a nationally defined social protection floor providing income security for persons with disabilities and older persons.

PPS brief 167