Innovation and interchange: social protection in practice
This publication presents the results of the Third Social Policy and International Cooperation Workshop for Latin America in 2012 (31 November 2012, Santa Marta, Colombia), providing a snapshot of Latin America’s trends in cooperation in social protection and compiles information about 34 poverty-eradication programs such as Brazil’s Food Acquisition Program and the Multidimensional Poverty Indexes (MPI) from Colombia and Uruguay.
The publication is organised as following:
I. The third workshop in context
II. A methodology for effective interaction, describing the methodology and tools implemented at the Santa Marta workshop
III. Results of the exchange
IV. Conclusions, with considerations on trends in social policies and international cooperation
The report also has an annex with country programme profiles from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.
The report was released by the Inter-American Social Protection Network.