
Ultrapassando as barreiras no acesso à segurança social contributiva dos trabalhadores por conta própria em Moçambique

  • Portugais
Ruth Castel-Branco, Lóide da Graça Sambo
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This study, developed with support from the ACTION/Portugal project, identifies the main obstacles faced by workers in the informal economy to access contributory social security schemes in Mozambique, and presents a set of recommendations for overcoming those obstacles. It was launched on 13 October 2021 in a dedicated session on informal economy during the International Conference on Social Protection that took place in Maputo and was organized by the Mozambican Civil Society Platform for Social Protection (PSCM-PS) with technical and financial support from the ILO.

Etudes 11017 Mozambique travailleurs de l'économie informelle , assurance sociale