
Poverty and Disability in South Africa

  • English
Graham, L.; Moodley, J.; Ismail, Z.; Munsaka, E.; Ross, E.; Schneider, M.
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This study was conceptualised in response to a need to interpret the complex relationship between poverty and disability and to understand what policy and programmatic interventions might work to break the cycle of poverty and disability.

More specifically, the study aimed to understand:

  • how disability shaped employment, income and asset poverty at the household and individual level 
  • how poverty and disability interacted to shape educational outcomes
  • how poverty and disability interacted to shape health outcomes
  • how poverty and disability intersected to shape quality of life and social capital outcomes
  • the experience of poverty and disability in rural (rural formal and tribal authority) areas and assess how this compared with the experience of the same factors in urban (urban formal and informal) areas

The report also outlines key policy and programmatic recommendations which are being taken forward in discussions with representatives of disabled people’s organisations, as well as with key state stakeholders, primarily in the Department of Social Development.

Report 3838 South Africa Disability