
Employment of people with disabilities in Suriname

  • English
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The present research provides a much-needed background to describe not only the labour market performance of the people with disabilities, but also the actual and perceived barriers to their employment in Suriname. While a holistic approach to remove such barriers is most likely required, the analysis and recommendations presented are a solid starting point to initiate policy and programmatic changes.
The report was prepared by Dr Presella Young-A-Fat of the Instituut voor Maatschappijwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (IMWO) and Mrs Orphilia Graham, under the supervision of, and with contributions from Mr Diego Rei, Employment and Labour Market Policies Specialist at the International Labour Organization Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean, and the Labour Market Information Unit of the Suriname Minister of Labour.

Report 1343 Suriname Employment policy , Disability