Towards Inclusive Social Protection Systems Enabling Participation and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
The guidance note Towards Inclusive Social Protection Systems Enabling Participation and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities provides a conceptual framework and initial hands-on advice on how to design, implement and monitor social protection systems that maximize inclusion. On some aspects, there is a wealth of experience, whereas others are emerging areas of work with little evidence on what works and what does not and why.
The present document is published in the context of an online consultation that will run June-August 2023. The document will be finalised and published in October 2023 as v1.0 of the guidance and will be revised end of 2024 to incorporate the lessons learned from many ongoing and up-coming studies, programs and reforms process.
Through this consultation and by working across the disability and social protection communities, we ask for your inputs, comments and suggestions to further improve the document. We would also like to receive additional information about good practices or about approaches that have not been successful and could inform the guidance note. To participate in the consultation, please visit this website.