Tanzania Mainland: Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Review and Social Budget (Executive Summary)
The Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Review (SPER) and Social Budget (SB) report Executive Summary are products of the first year of work of the ILO/DFID-funded project in Tanzania Mainland: "ILO Global Campaign for Social Protection and Coverage for All as a Means to Reducing Poverty in Africa and Asia".
The main finding is that neither existing contributory (social insurance) nor non-contributory (social assistance) social protection provisions are adequate in terms of the numbers of the population covered, the scope of coverage and the adequacy of benefits/payments received. There is a need to strengthen and better coordinate policy development, resource allocation and implementation of change in relation to both contributory and non-contributory provision. Non-contributory social assistance programmes are without doubt severely under-funded: less than 0.5 per cent of GDP is allocated to social assistance by the Government. National and international NGOs' funding contributes a further 0.5 per cent of GDP.
The SPER and Social Budget Report Executive Summary also includes key information on the labour market in Tanzania Mainland, existing contributory and non-contributory social security schemes, the current state of health care as well as important findings and analysis on the current and future social budget of Tanzania Mainland.