
France: Pôle emploi

  • Inglés
Emilie Blais, Vincent Donne, Jean Pierre Callais, Thibault van Langenhove
Resource cover


Pôle emploi, the French Public Employment Service, is dedicated to support every jobseeker efficiently according to their personal needs.  It has developed services aimed at those who need it the most to support them in finding a job.

At Pôle emploi, jobseekers undergo a comprehensive assessment of their social situation and employability. Based on this, a joint action plan is developed to facilitate their sustainable return to work. This action plan takes into consideration the social challenges of jobseekers regarding mobility, personal finances, family structure, health care needs, housing, etc. It then provides integrated support for reintegration in the labour market and social inclusion, through strong coordination with various agencies.

PPS brief 6790 Francia